You Are A Multidimensional Being

You can control energy with your thoughts, with your intention, with your attention, with your breath.

The main thing stopping you from consciously accessing your power is a thick layer of detrimental beliefs, beliefs of limitation that you picked up as you grew up.

You have been taught all your life that you are in the hands of luck, of life… that you sit in the victim seat and all you can do is work hard and hope for the best.

This could not be further from the truth, since you have been in charge and in control all along.

Here are some thoughts that might help you open your mind, and create space away from limitation.

1-Past, Present and Future are all Here and Now.

That means you can change past timelines for your healing, since you can access your past trauma since, like absolutely everything else, it is ALL  Here and Now. It is all within you. Yes ALL.

You are the entryway into Infinity itself.  That is why Shadow Work …works! You are literally accessing your past and changing experiences in order for you to heal. (Book your one on one Spiritual Counseling session here to do a shadow work session with me, here)

2-The only thing that is a constant in this universe, is change.

So since we know that absolutely everything has an end, (except the source of all of course, Infinity…) why don’t we befriend endings? You will die, your favorite mug will one day break, your art project will be transformed, that ideal relationship you are in…is  a fact that it will all end, everything has an end. So why don’t we change the meaning we give to endings? If you label something as bad, you will in exchange feel bad about it.  Enjoy everything while it exists in a certain shape or state, knowing that it will be transformed one day. That also means even your pain will transform one day. It is a fact.

3-TIme is just a tool for this reality. Beyond this reality, time does not exist.

That means that if you choose to take a deep breath in and as you exhale, you want your heart chakra to open… your heart chakra will immediately open as you set your intention to do it. Because your heart chakra is not physical, therefore it does not operate with time.

Anything that you do during guided meditations… Fill yourself with light, release blockages, rise higher etc.. you are literally doing in that exact moment. SO perhaps you want to take a minute to close your eyes right now and take a few deep cleansing breaths, visualize…have the intention to fill yourself with white light or purity and release.

4-As real and solid as this dimension and reality feels, it is not.

Quantum mechanics is finding that out. If you want your mind blown, look into quantum physics, it is proving that none of this “makes sense” . It is proving that it is all in a constant wave of probability, until there is a witness to focus on such waves, making those waves of probability collapse into physicality. That means that whatever you are not looking at right this moment, is not really there.

Are you beginning to understand now? That it is not possible for you to fully understand life itself?God itself? Because you are trying to understand it from your human logical mind, your reasoning mind…is limited. You will never be able to fully grasp… the Creator of your human mind. A paradox in and of itself since the creator of the human mind…is…well, You.

Look deeper and deeper at everything in your life, allow creation itself to blow your mind.

Everything is a miracle that we have gotten accustomed to and we call it mundane and even boring.

Wake up and realize that you are unexplainable.

Have a good week.


What else are you, other than your human self?!


Relax As You Read This