Feeling Scared and Overwhelmed

We tend to forget that this reality is a paradoxical illusion. In this case, life, reality…as we see it as we feel it, as we witness it, is 100% real…BUT, from a higher perspective, it is just a dream dreamt by God, a temporary illusion. Thanks to the veil of forgetfulness we really believe all of this is real (after all that is the point of it.)

The chair you are sitting on, the wall in front of you, they seem real right?  Ask quantum mechanics if they are really there and the answer will surprise you. They’re not there.

The year 2023 might be surprising us with intense shifts as a collective as well as on a personal level. Alien invasion?  Chemical disasters?  World War III coming up? What?! Oh more deadly diseases too??!  Etc… this goes on and on, so what can you do so you don't lose your mind in a downward spiral of fear and powerlessness?

You can….remember your power!!! You are a Creator!

A certain amount of the collective is still quite under the veil, they are not the ones reading this. Instead they are reading the news, being fed fear, panicking. If you are reading this, you are already waking up from the illusion of Life. Allow this to be your reminder that you are God in human shape. You are no longer a  lost victim in the hands of luck.

You manifest your reality through your estate of being.

If you want to change the collective reality, (the mess we are in now!) start with yourself.

Instead of fighting for what you want, feel what you want to feel within yourself first. Read that again.

In this mirror reality (ruled by the law of attraction- a universal law) it is important to keep these points in mind:

1- You are constantly manifesting what you are FEELING NOW. So make your state of being your priority.  Check often  various times  throughout the day, how you feel, and make yourself feel better through gratitude or shadow work. If you want to learn more on how to do this, message me.

2- Pause and decide what do you want to experience instead, what do you want to change about your life or about the world? Do you rather feel safe? Peaceful? Satisfied with life?  Write those things down, and make time and space everyday to make yourself feel those things. A way to do this is , lying on your bed, closing your eyes and for approx 20-30 min IMAGINE a scenario that would make you feel those things. Your mind will believe it's the actual reality and your frequency will rise just from imagining things that make you feel good. I offer a transcendental guided meditation that guides you to do exactly that, buy it here

3- You must give time some time to show you your latest state of being. Do not fall victim of your external reality, since your external reality is simply showing you your PAST state of being. For a while, ignore the external reality if it's not enjoyable, live in imagination for as long as you can. See your preference anywhere you look. This will help you fully exit the loop of  low vibrations.

4-What you resist: persists. Check daily what you are resisting? World War III? Diseases? The end of the world? Losing your job? Whatever you resist, you are feeding, you are helping it manifest. So check what you are resisting and take a moment to try to accept it, this does not mean LIKE IT, simply let it be. Then, focus towards your preference instead and FEEL IT for as long as you can.

Ex. You realize that you do hold resistance towards the possibility of World War III, you first realize your resistance, you let it be: “If World War III begins, let it be. I understand I shape reality with my state of being so I will focus on my preference instead of fearing the unwanted” Then you FEEL peaceful, FEEL safe, FEEL grateful etc… and TRUST.

5- Unplug from life often in a conscious way. Cleanse emotionally and mentally often. Keep bringing in new light into the world. I can show you how to do all these things. All of my guided meditations help you do this.

6- After doing these simple easy exercises, let it all go and TRUST 100%. I cannot make it clear enough as to how important it is to TRUST. Give it all back to Creation, to the Infinite wisdom of Existence, and continue living your life with dignity.

If most people in the world did these simple free exercises we would together transform the state of the world by 180 degrees! We would manifest heaven on Earth within a few weeks! So start feeling your preference now and stay in your preference even if the collective reality says otherwise.

And remember that no matter what happens, this is just a temporary illusion. You are God playing human. In essence there is no end to You, You cannot die, You cannot suffer.

Have a good week.

- Fabiola Marabotto


Relax As You Read This